End of chapter... part 1

Another end to the school year... The last results of the second group baccalauréat were posted yesterday. Last goodbyes to colleagues, management and the entire school community. A bitter-sweet goodbye in view of the adventures that await me. But a huge well done and thank you to a team that opened its arms to me, made room for me and above all made me feel at home. I'm going to miss my little 'boutique' school. I'm going to miss my students: so endearing, but always trying to pull the wool over your eyes so they can slip through the net of the work to be done.
The Dream Team
There are some people missing but they are not forgotten.
I've been teaching for 10 years now (2 years as a contract teacher, and 8 years as a permanent teacher), I'm in my 6th school and had it not been for this detachment I don't think I would have ever left. My own air-conditioned room! (and that's no luxury some days). A brilliant coordinator (well, I'm biased, because she's my buddy from my first year as a teacher, and the memories of the evenings we spent writing our memoirs are still vivid), a management team that listens, is responsive, has an open-door policy, and colleagues who are always looking to improve what we can do for the students.
A crazy "Prom Night"
Our students worked like hell to ensure that their graduating class had a fitting end-of-year ball. This, along with the end-of-year reception held by the school management, was the finishing touch to my 2 years at Lycée Acajou 1. A small school that fights for the success and well-being of both its students and THE ENTIRE SCHOOL COMMUNITY.
In short, 2 years of pure professional happiness, well I don't blame you Didier for my hiatus (private joke). So it's with a heavy heart that I leave them and a light heart that I turn to another hemisphere of the globe.
But first of all : VACATION! Next week I'm in New York and I'll be sharing it with you! ;)